Recently, I faced this issue while working with Spring Social and Facebook login where the redirect URI generated had http scheme instead of https, which Facebook does not allow. This was happening because the ALB in front of our application instances where using only http. Our architecture is something like

-------------        ---------------      -----------      ---------
|           | https  |             | http |         | http |       |
|  Browser  | -----> |  Cloudfront | ---> |   ALB   | ---> |  EC2  |
|           |        |             |      |         |      |       |
-------------        ---------------      -----------      ---------

This means only Cloudfront know about SSL and everything downstream is http. There are some reasons out of our control due to which we are stuck with this and is not something we be carrying over to production.

The solution is to somehow send the scheme information from Cloudfront to the tomcat running on EC2. Usually servers will use headers like X-Forwarded-Proto to configure the protocol. This useful when hosted behind proxies. Unfortunately, Cloudfront does not forward the X-Forwarded-Proto header, instead it forward a custom header, Cloudfront-Forwarded-Proto header. So we have to tell tomcat to read this custom header instead of the standard one. This can be done by configuring the RemoteIpValve.

<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve"

There are many options in RemoteIpValve and I would suggest you to check them out.